Heartbreaking: guyana plane crash over 87 passengers dead today…..

Guyana, a small South American nation, has undergone significant transformations over the past two decades, striving to establish a foundation of good governance. This journey has been marked by political reforms, economic growth, and environmental initiatives, all aimed at fostering a more transparent and accountable society.

Political Reforms and Democratic Development

In the early 2000s, Guyana faced challenges related to political stability and governance. The administration of President Bharrat Jagdeo (1999–2011) initiated several reforms to address these issues. Notably, the “Jagdeo Initiative” sought to create a more competitive and sustainable agricultural sector in the Caribbean by 2015.


The 2015 discovery of substantial offshore oil reserves introduced new opportunities and challenges. The government has been working to manage these resources responsibly, aiming to avoid the pitfalls of the “resource curse” that has affected other nations. This includes efforts to ensure that oil revenues contribute to sustainable development and benefit all citizens.


Economic Growth and Challenges

The oil industry has been a significant driver of Guyana’s economic growth. Since production began in 2019, the country’s GDP per capita has been rapidly increasing. In 2022, oil production reached 278,000 barrels per day, contributing substantially to the national economy.


However, this newfound wealth has raised concerns about its equitable distribution and the potential for corruption. Critics argue that the government needs to renegotiate better profit-sharing terms with ExxonMobil, which currently holds the majority of profits. Additionally, there are apprehensions about the environmental impact of oil extraction and the need for sustainable economic diversification.


Environmental Initiatives and Sustainable Development

Recognizing the importance of environmental stewardship, Guyana has developed the Green State Development Strategy: Vision 2040. This comprehensive policy outlines the country’s commitment to sustainable development, addressing economic, social, and environmental dimensions. The strategy emphasizes the sustainable management of natural resources, aiming to balance economic growth with environmental preservation.


The strategy also highlights the importance of good governance, transparency, and knowledge management. It envisions a society where institutions are transparent in their decision-making, enforce the rule of law, and effectively serve the citizenry in public administration services.



Over the past 20 years, Guyana has made notable strides toward good governance, marked by political reforms, economic growth, and environmental initiatives. While challenges remain, particularly concerning the equitable distribution of oil revenues and environmental sustainability, the nation’s commitment to transparent governance and sustainable development offers a promising path forward. The ongoing efforts to balance economic growth with environmental preservation and social equity will be crucial in determining the future trajectory of good governance in Guyana.

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