Expect the volume on the wage rage dial to get cranked up as workers get miffed about some getting more as their own wages stagnate. But don’t be fooled: You may not like unions, but their victories are not the cause of inflation, Armine Yalnizyan writes.
Metro grocery workers picket a warehouse on Dundas Street West in 2023, a year of historic union settlements. We see the feast; we forget the famine, Armine Yalnizyan writes.
By Armine YalnizyanContributing Columnist
In this three-part series, contributing columnist Armine Yalnizyan explores the connection between wage growth and inflation, and what it means for our future costs of living.
Do you have wage rage? A lot of people do. Workers who want payback for years of sacrifice as companies go from near collapse to record profits. Workers covering the tasks of unfilled job openings or layoffs with no extra pay. Workers who are losing ground to inflation as others make dramatic wage gains.
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